Companies need new technologies and digital tools to evolve, and this digital revolution requires constant training.

The Study Top 25 Digital Professions 2019 published by Inesdi Digital Business School reveals the growing need of digital profiles with technological knowledge, especially those aimed at artificial intelligence. That’s why it is essential to educate in the digital transformation.

Our Chief People Officer, Carolina Fernández, speaks to La Razón newspaper about how important it is for companies to train in new skills that allow organizations to lead the digital revolution.

New skills for new demands

Automation is expected to completely change many work environments in 10 to 15 years. It is estimated that 21M new jobs will be created globally, and 90% of them will require at least some level of digital skills.

“Now, let’s look at our organizations and think if we are prepared to welcome and develop the new generations that in 10 years will integrate our teams. Far from being in threat, this is the greatest educational challenge we face as a society”, says Carolina Fernández.

In Telecoming we bet on people, they are our biggest asset. We are proud to have a young and multi-cultural team that is always learning and discovering new challenges. If you want to be one of our talents, we encourage you to contact us. See you at Telecoming!


Source: Telecoming ad-tech